6 Trend Trends This Summer

Leading Word: Maybe it is the influence of doomsday prophecies. People can experience the beauty of life from the blooming flowers, the taste of ice cream, the sweat of sports, and explore the marine ecology while exploring the possibility of outer space, or as the last moment of time, enjoying it. In short, the spring and summer of 2012 was beautiful because of fear.

6大潮流趋势 今年热闹一夏(图1)

Metal color in outer space

The metal material that reflects the sun's rays exudes an icy atmosphere that does not belong to the life of the earth. Scoured rounded pebbles, firm and lonely.

6大潮流趋势 今年热闹一夏(图2)

Mother's face

The sea under the moonlight reflects the sparkling silver, and the circular pattern of white jewels is like a bubble on the splashes of the layers of waves.

6大潮流趋势 今年热闹一夏(图3)

The taste of ice cream

The coolness of mint and the softness of marshmallows combine to create a sweet and organic unique taste. With the waist dancing with a bow knot, it tells the beauty of youth.

6大潮流趋势 今年热闹一夏(图4)

The life of a flower

The white flowers seem to occupy every corner of the trolling dress like a wall tiger. The fairy who does not want to catch fire is ignorant of the world.

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