The Idea of ​​Yi Xue in the Art of Jade Carving

"Book of Changes" is an ancient Chinese classic, which has been circulated for nearly three thousand years. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it has been regarded as an important classic. In the long-term feudal society, it has been honored as a sacred classic. Its influence is far-reaching and rare in world history.

The Zhouyi has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes and has become the root of Han culture. Yidao pays attention to the mutual yin and yang, the combination of rigidity and softness, and advocates self-improvement and morality. The Yijing influences all disciplines such as philosophy, aesthetics, religion, medicine, astronomy, arithmetic, digital technology, Chinese studies, music, art, physics, military, martial arts, and kanji.

Teacher Mu Yujing from Shanghai Yiyixuan said that the Yi-Xian thought has had a major impact on Chinese traditional thought and has had a profound impact on the art forms of architecture, environment, calligraphy and painting in China. As the jade carving art of Chinese traditional culture and art, it also has the embodiment of Yi Xue. Among them, the three rules of changeable, simple, and not easy to learn are not only applicable to jade carvings of jade carvings, but also important criteria for collecting consumers' value of jade art.

Changeable. It means that things are movements. A good jade carving work, in the style, shape, and theme, must inherit the tradition, not follow the old, but also inject new elements and seek change. This is the jade carving art that has been mentioned today. To draw extensively from different art categories, jade carving works should present a beauty of change. In the expression technique, the jade carving works highlight the combination of the virtual and the real, the reality in the virtual, and the virtual in the real. Reality is imaginary, imagination is ethereal, inherently practical, ethereal and clear, and there is real beauty. This also embodies the idea of ​​"Yin and Yang" in Yi Xuezhong.

simple. It means to be simple and versatile, and to seek unity in diversity. Simplicity and exquisiteness have become the main trend in the current art of Hetian jade carving. Throughout the history of Hetian jade carving, from the minimalism of the early stone age jade carving to the jade carving technique of the Qianlong period, to the simple jade carving style of today. This is a process of the development of Hetian jade carving art. There is a saying in the jade carving industry, and the carving is the next product. Today's Hetian jade carving art is different from the past. Simplicity does not mean simplicity. It can be said that the art and culture of jade carving has been developed to the extreme. Take the jade carving of the character as an example, the shape should be accurate and proportionate, but the basic structural relationship and fluctuations must be clearly and affirmed. The facial expressions should be meticulously detailed, and the key details such as the expression of the eyes and the hair must be clearly expressed. specific. In the clothing, streamers of the characters, use generalization, exaggeration, deformation or simplification. Using this simple expression technique, the work is more imposing, and gives people an imaginative space that reflects the beauty of the mood.

Not easy: It means the law of constant and constant in the diversity of changes. Often a seemingly simple Hetian jade carving, but it needs to express more cultural connotations, more artistic. Through the process of conceiving, designing and carving, an excellent jade carving works seeks change and innovative forms, and finally realizes the perfect unity of inner beauty and styling beauty. It reflects a strong artistic appeal between rich and varied shapes. It is not easy to do this, and it also reflects the "not easy" thinking in Yi Xue.

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