The first discovery of more than 50 cm jade in the Shenmu sarcophagus site

According to the latest archaeological findings, archaeologists first discovered more than 50 centimeters of jade in the archaeological excavations of the Shimao Shijie site, the largest prehistoric stone city site in China, thus studying the jade culture of ancient China more than 4,000 years ago. It provides important information for the development and circulation of jade culture in the Yellow River Basin.

The first discovery of more than 50 cm jade in the Shenmu sarcophagus site

The Shiji site in Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province was discovered in the 1960s and 1970s. It has been recognized as the largest stone city site in China's prehistoric times through the ongoing archaeological work in recent years, especially the huge city walls and complete urban structures discovered last year. The rare Dongcheng Gate site was named one of the major “World Field Archaeology” projects.

According to archaeological excavations, the 56-cm-long jade article of this latest archaeological discovery is the gums, which was named after the famous scholar Wu Dache in the late Qing Dynasty according to Zhou Li, according to the actual object of the time. . For more than a hundred years, the gums that resemble ancient farming tools have become the official name. Take this newly unearthed gum in your hand and feel that it weighs about 3 kilograms and is about 10 centimeters wide. It is thin as a blade, and it is not clear how to use it as a ritual.

Sun Zhouyong, deputy dean of the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, said that in the archaeological excavation of the Shiji site last year, six complete jade articles such as jade shovel and jade were unearthed. The archaea unearthed in this archaeological excavation is the first scientifically discovered gingiva. It solves many problems, such as solving the problems of the age, solving the background problem of the stone jade, and the source of the sarcophagus. Archaeology proves that this thing is from the late Longshan to the Xia Dynasty, that is, 4000 years ago.

According to the current archaeological work, the site of Shenmu Dendrobium is composed of three basic and relatively independent city sites of Huangchengtai, Inner City and Outer City. It was built about 4,300 years ago and was destroyed during the Xia Dynasty (4000 years ago). It is the largest known prehistoric city site in the world. However, the current archaeological excavation is mainly limited to the southeast corner of Shicheng, which belongs to the tip of the iceberg of the whole site.

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