Autumn and winter of 2014, what color coat will be popular autumn and winter wear woolen coats look good

It expected to be the most popular winter women's fabrics, it can create a more tight-fitting clothes, wearing the body better than the average winter on the N times, and its warm effect is not ordinary cotton can be compared , Then the fall and winter of 2014 woolen coats will be different from previous years? What colors will be popular this year?

Macaron sky blue, add a touch of bright color for the boring winter, allowing you to get rid of the feeling of depression. Even the profile version of the design will not be bloated, not to worry about making the cold windmill, because the neck collar and tighten the hem has a good effect of the warmth.

2014年秋冬的毛呢大衣会流行什么颜色 秋冬穿呢子大衣好看吗

Since the sky blue can be so good-looking, then the pink will certainly be able to attract your attention, A-word version of a doll in the side view of the feeling, whether petite or slightly fat women can wear, and hip length Can better show the leg lines.

Picture credit: Faka FKA Women's 2014 Fall Winter Collection